THUNDERMOTHER: We Fight For Rock N Roll - Digital Single
I really like what THUNDERMOTHER have done earlier, and their latest album was nothing but excellent. But then suddenly everybody left guitarist Filippa Nässil alone just about a few months ago. But Filippa is obviously strong, and didn't have any thoughts of giving up. So she found some new members pretty fast, and this is the first single from the new lineup. Not much have changed though. So don't you worry too much about that. It's still good old hard rock n roll, and the new singer, Guernica Mancini (SOULS ON 11, ROYAL RUCKUS), sounds more or less the same as the previous singer. The other new members are Sara Pettersson (HIFLY, SPIRIT SIDE DREAMING, SHEWOLF, GUSH) on bass and Emlee Johansson (VISION, FRANTIC AMBER, SPITCHIC) on drums.
(Despotz Records)
JUNE 21, 2017
SECRET SPHERE: The Nature Of Time - Album
SECRET SPHERE celebrate their 20-year anniversary with the release of their 9th studio album. And what we get is melodic orchestral progressive metal. I have definitely heard worse in my life. No doubt about that. And the lenght of the songs are pretty normal, around 5 minutes. I wouldn't go as far as calling it a masterpiece. But for those of you who like this kind of music more than me, it might actually be a fantastic album. So give it a try then.
(Frontiers Music)
JUNE 20, 2017
DGM: Passing Stages, Live In Milan And Atlanta - Double Album, DVD
Yeah, why release only 1 live recording when you just as well can release 2 recordings at the same time? That must have been what this band was thinking. Because as the title says it's 1 concert from Milan, Italy and 1 from Atlanta, USA. Which means a total of 22 tracks.
Luckily DGM is far away from the worst band you can listen to. No, this is actually really good melodic, progressive hard rock/metal.
The Milan concert was recorded at the Frontiers Metal Festival on October 30, 2016, while the Atlanta concert was recorded at the ProgPower Festival on September 11, 2014. And they actually gives us a different set list on each concert.
(Frontiers Music)
JUNE 20, 2017
RAVEN: All For One / Rock Until You Drop / Live At The Inferno - Albums (re-issues)
I have 1 album with RAVEN since earlier - "Stay Hard" from 1985 - and none of these albums sounds like that album. It's a pinch harder, a little like ACCEPT and JUDAS PRIEST actually. And Udo Dirkschneider (U.D.O., DIRKSCHNEIDER, ex-ACCEPT) actually join them on a cover of "Born To Be Wild". But that's among the 5 bonus tracks that are included on "All For One", which is their third studio album, and it was originally released in 1983. Not bad at all. This could be worth checking out.
"Rock Until You Drop" was originally released in 1981, and it's their debut album. Another really good album that's worth checking out. That's all I have to say..
And "Live At The Inferno" is (as you probably already have figured out) a live album. It was released in 1984 to discourage the band's former label, Neat Records, from putting out a greatest hits compilation. It was RAVEN's last release before signing with Atlantic Records (who released the album that I mentioned in the beginning of this text). Another good album that you should check out. I have no information about where it was recorded though.
JUNE 19, 2017
PRIMAL FEAR: Angels Of Mercy, Live In Germany - Album, DVD, Blu-ray
Germany's own answer to JUDAS PRIEST give us a live recording. And they prove that they're damned good live too. Not a single bad song here. I have never seen them live, and I just got the audio recording, so I can't say anything about how they are on stage. It sounds really good though, so this is absolutely a band that you should check out if you haven't done that already. Especially if you're a fan of classic heavy metal in the harder school. A good thing with this recording is that there's no long speeches or boring solo shows. Just music and no crap.
This was recorded in Stuttgart, Germany in February last year. 15 tracks is what we get, and many of the songs comes from their latest studio album, "Rulebreaker", which is full of great songs. But there's also some eralier stuff too of course.
(Frontiers Music)
JUNE 19, 2017
JORN: Life On Death Road - Album
Sweden Rock Magazine's description of this album is something like: "the 70s in a modern 80s twist". And why not? It's some kind of good old melodic hard rock anyway. And sure there's influences from the past.
This is the 9th studio album with original songs from JORN, and yet again it gives us a new lineup. Except for singer Jørn Lande, we can find Mat Sinner (PRIMAL FEAR, SINNER, KISKE/SOMERVILLE) on bass, Alessandro Del Vecchio (HARDLINE, REVOLUTION SAINTS) on keyboard, who already joined JORN for the recording of his last covers album, "Heavy Rock Radio". Francesco Iovino (PRIMAL FEAR) is on drums, and Alex Beyrodt (PRIMAL FEAR, VOODOO CIRCLE) handles guitar.
It's a very good album, so I find it hard to believe that any old fans will be dissapointed when they hear this. If he will find any new fans is another story though..
(Frontiers Music)
JUNE 19, 2017
BROKEN HOPE: Mutilated And Assimilated - Album
It's 4 years since their last album, "Omen Of Disease", was released. But now a new album is here. And it's hardly something that I have been longing for. Gore death metal is hardly ever my cup of tea. And I also think they're too technical/advanced for my simple taste, so I get tired of this very fast. But if it's fast and brutal death metal on the border to grind core that you're looking for, then I won't stop you.
European release date: June 23, 2017 (Century Media)
JUNE 16, 2017
16 tracks! Are you insane?! The band members themselves might not be insane, but it's crazy to include as much as 16 tracks on the same record. And it's hardly the first time I whine about that.. People never learn.
This is not the usual stuff that I use to listen to, but sometimes it's actually fun to get something different for a change. I'm not really sure how to describe their music though, but the information I got told me that they're influenced by bands like BLACKBERRY SMOKE, LYNYRD SKYNYRD, THIN LIZZY, MOLLY HATCHET and even KISS (I can't hear much of the last to be honest). And it's often laidback but not always slow because of that. Some of the songs rock a little more though.
Best tracks? Well, I like the title track, and "Complicated" is not so bad either (those 2 songs will give you a good picture about this band). But there's some other good songs too, even though everything isn't interesting to me. They could easily have thrown away about 4-6 of these songs according to me.
It seems like this band comes from Stockholm, Sweden, but they sounds more like an American band. Their first album, "Rock'n'Roll Soul", came out in 2015. "From Here To Hell" is their second album.
Release date: June 23, 2017 (Wild Kingdom)
JUNE 15, 2017
BLIND PETITION: Law & Order Unplugged Live - CD+DVD, 2LP
A band that is totally unknown to me play their songs unplugged/acoustic. I'm not really sure why they thought that was a good idea, but anyway.. The band comes from Austria, and are labeled as melodic heavy metal. What I hear here is definitely not heavy metal! It sounds more like some kind of mixture of Southern country rock and grunge. Very American anyway. And 13 tracks of this is way too much for me. But I can at least admit that some of the songs are good.
BLIND PETITION were founded back in 1974 already, and they have released 6 studio albums and countless singles, splits and EPs, as well as 4 live albums. This album was recorded in their hometown Favoriten (near Vienna) in November 2016.
Release date: June 16, 2017 (Pure Steel Publishing)
JUNE 13, 2017
CHAOS: All Against All - Album
Thrash metal from India. You could say that there's a lot of SLAYER and KREATOR in their music. So if you like those bands, then this is absolutely something for you. Because CHAOS is just as good as anything that any other thrash band have made during the last 10 years.
Well, I know that India might not be the first or even the third country you think of when it comes to extreme metal (thrash, death, black). You probably think of curry and very religious people. But they actually have a small scene there with a few interesting bands. So don't be so afraid to discover something new (not that what they're doing is something new, but anyway).
Release date: June 15, 2017 (Transcending Obscurity India)
JUNE 12, 2017
AERIAL SCHOOL: Love Is Calling - EP
This band have some really good songs here. Like "Darker Shade Of Gray", "Go For A Ride" and "Love Is Calling" for example. Their music is some kind of catchy and melodic hard rock n roll. It makes me think of Glenn Hughes actually, even though they doesn't sound exactly like him. It's somehow something similar to that though. And when I searched for more information about the band, there was a few links to Glenn's former band TRAPEZE. I'm not sure why though as I have not heard them.
It seems like AERIAL SCHOOL is based around the L.A. duo Thorn St. Germain (guitar/producer) and Chaim Rochester (bass). I'm not sure who the other musicians are, but most likely friends to them.
(Record label unknown..)
JUNE 10, 2017
VIN DE MIA TRIX: Palimpsests - Double Album
Oh man, how come I decided to give this a chance then? There's just 4 tracks, but the songs last for 19,15 to as much as 29,44 (!) minutes. Insane! The music is very slow and meditative, and they call it progressive funeral doom metal. I have to admit that this wasn't so bad after all. I would rather call this dream doom though, and the songs are a little too long for my taste. But I'm glad that it didn't suck anyway. And that's always something.
(Hypnotic Dirge Records/Cimmerian Shade)
JUNE 9, 2017
dEMOTIONAL: Discovery - Album
What am I supposed to say about this then? Some kind of modern melodic pop/metal from 6 Swedish guys. They formed the band in 2009, and this is their third album. It's hardly a masterpiece according to my opinion. But it doesn't suck either. I get tired of it after a couple of songs though, as it sounds more or less the same all the time. So there's nothing that's extra good here. The kids might like it though.
(Art Gates Records)
JUNE 8, 2017
VANDEN PLAS: The Seraphic Live Works - CD/DVD
Eternity songs.. Live.. Progressive metal.. Very melodic.. Not so bad actually.. I have definitely heard a lot worse in my life..
This live album and DVD was recorded at Prog Power Festival in Atlanta in 2011. So why it has not been released until now is a very good question. And I actually don't have any answer to that. But better late than never at all I suppose. Especially when it's something that's good.
Best track? Probably "Holes In The Sky".
(Frontiers Music)
JUNE 7, 2017
CONJURING FATE: Valley Of Shadows - Album
This Northern Irish metal band released their first EP, "House On Haunted Hill", in 2014, and now their first full length is here. What they play is a mixture of heavy and power metal with a old school feeling. And it's definitely not bad at all. The production is very good too. I really like what I hear. This could be something for fans of IRON MAIDEN, HELLOWEEN and similar bands.
Release date: June 9, 2017 (Pure Steel Records)
JUNE 6, 2017
DESTRUCTOR: Decibel Casualties - Album
Speed/thrash metal from U.S.A. with a band who released their first demo in 1985 already. And this sounds just like it would have been made some time in the 80s. But I like what I hear, so I have no problem with that.
Today's lineup of the band consist of Dave Overkill (vocals/guitar), Matt Flammable (drums), Nick Annihilator (guitar) and Tim Hammer (bass).
Well, if you miss the "happy" 80s and think the music was much better then, here's a band for you. But I think all fans of speed and thrash metal should check this out.
Release date: June 9, 2017 (Pure Steel Records)
JUNE 6, 2017
SPACE WITCH: Arcanum - Album
SPACE WITCH are a psychedelic stoner/doom band that draw on influences from 70s prog and psychedelia. The band formed in Stoke-on-Trent, England in 2007. After a couple of demo recordings they released their first EP, "The Alchemy Paradox", in 2013. In 2014 they released both a split with UK doom act TROLLKRAFTT and their first full length, which was self-titled and a double adventure. Now their second full length journey is here.
What we get is 4 long songs. The first track, "Cosmonoid", is as long as 15,43 minutes, and there's not much vocals (just some choirs here and there, that's all). The second song, "Astro Genocide", is "just" 6 minutes and much better. And so is the third tune, "Hex", which is 9,26 minutes long.
The last chapter, "Battle Hag", is another really long one with its 12,33 minutes.
NEW Release date: July 7, 2017 (HeviSike Records)
JUNE 5, 2017
SAMSON: Survivors / Shock Tactics / Live At Reading 81 - Albums (re-issues)
"Survivors" is the debut album from SAMSON, which was originally released in 1979. And even though Bruce Dickinson (who later joined IRON MAIDEN) appears as a band member on the cover sheet, it's actually guitarist Paul Samson (r.i.p) who sing on this album (it was already completed when Bruce became a member). But this is a deluxe digipack re-issue, so as a bonus you will get 5 tracks where Dickinson sing some of the songs (those songs were unfortunately not included on the recording that I got, so I can't say anything about that). It's hardly the best album I have heard, even though it has its good moments too. It seems like they didn't really know what they really wanted to do, or didn't really had the songs yet. I have definitely heard worse though.
"Shock Tactics" is SAMSON's third studio album, and the last with Bruce Dickinson on vocals. It was originally released in 1981. And I can immediately say that this album is much, much better than the first album. Really good hard rock/NWOBHM topped with Bruce's excellent voice. This is a album worth checking out! Now I have not heard the second album, "Head On" (1980), but "Shock Tactics" is probably the best album they ever did. And I actually have some of the songs from both albums on the "Head Tactics" collection (which is a LP with tracks from the 2 albums that Bruce sang on).
"Live At Reading 81" was as the title says recorded at the Reading Festival in UK in 1981. This was just before Dickinson left the band for IRON MAIDEN. This deluxe digipack re-issue also includes 3 bonus tracks from the "Shock Tactics" tour in June 1981, as well as a rare live rehearsal recording. Many great songs, and it sounds like they did really good shows back then. So this is of course definitely worth checking out.
Now it could be interesting to hear what they sounded like after Bruce had left. But unless I get some re-issue for review, I guess I have to get a compilation or something like that.
JUNE 4, 2017
WARRANT: Louder Harder Faster - Album
Sounds like these old men wants to create a good old rock n roll party, like it still was the 80s on Sunset Strip. Do they succeed with that? I'm not so sure about that. But the songs are o.k. anyway, so there's not much to complain about when it comes to that. Their music is best described as melodic "hard" rock.
As you might know, this is hardly any new band on the rock scene. They formed in the mid 80s, and was very successful in the late 80s and early 90s. Today's lineup consist of original members Erik Turner, Jerry Dixon, Joey Allen and Steven Sweet, along with singer Robert Mason (LYNCH MOB, CRY OF LOVE). It's as much as 6 years since their last album came out.
By the way.. Isn't "Louder Harder Faster" also the title of some shit song with SCOOTER?
(Frontiers Music)
JUNE 3, 2017
SNAKECHARMER: Second Skin - Album
This band was originally founded in 2011 by former WHITESNAKE members Micky Moody and Neil Murray, along with Laurie Wisefield (WISHBONE ASH), Harry James (THUNDER, MAGNUM), Adam Wakeman (Ozzy Osbourne) and Chris Ousey (HEARTLAND). The band's debut self-titled album was released in 2013, and now their second album is here. Mick Moody, who left the band last year, has been replaced by the Irish born Simon McBride.
I guess it doesn't exactly come as a surprise that this sounds like good old WHITESNAKE (around 1979-81), but there's also influences from BAD COMPANY and early FOREIGNER. Simply bluesy, catchy and melodic hard rock for old men. Well, I'm actually not so young anymore, so take that old men with a pinch of salt. I like what I hear anyway.
(Frontiers Music)
JUNE 3, 2017
ROYAL HUNT: 2016 - Album, DVD, Blu-ray
First too much talking between some songs, then a fucking boring drum solo a little later, and after the 12th song it's just a lot of noise from the (probably drunk) audience for several minutes. Why the hell do they include shit like that on a record? I really don't get it! It just makes me irritated and destroy the experience.
But o.k., ROYAL HUNT is hardly a band that I have any releation to, so it's not like I know any of these songs. I actually don't think I have heard any of these songs before (and if I have they were obviously not good enough to remeber). But I can easily say that many of them are a little too long for my taste, and 14 tracks is too much. Some songs are good though, and my favorite must be the last song, "A Life To Die For".
This was recorded when ROYAL HUNT celebrated their 25th anniversary in Moscow, Russia last year.
(Frontiers Music)
JUNE 3, 2017
These British and Swedish men take their influences from big rock albums from the 70s, which is before they were even born. But that's hardly anything unusual nowadays. Think of classic bands like DEEP PURPLE, LED ZEPPELIN, WHITESNAKE, BAD COMPANY, AEROSMITH and ROLLING STONES for example. It's something similar to that we get here. And it's really good. So anybody who like classic bluesy rock should not be dissapointed when they hear this.
The band took their first steps in 2014, and this is their second album. The first album was really good too by the way.
Best song must be "Taking The Blame". But there are no bad songs on this album.
(Frontiers Music)
JUNE 2, 2017
HAREM SCAREM: United - Album
In 2013 these Canadian melodic "hard" rockers reunited after a 5-year hiatus to record "Mood Swings II", a 20-year anniversary re-recording of their second album. In 2014 it was time for a new studio album, "Thirteen". And 3 years after that, here's another studio album with 11 strong songs.
I think there's a touch of the 80s in these songs, and it's not bad at all. I don't really know what else to say though..
(Frontiers Music)
JUNE 2, 2017
DEATH OF KINGS: Kneel Before None - Album
Heavy/thrash metal from Atlanta's underground scene. The band has existed since 2009, and has released a couple of EP's. Now it's time for their first full length, which is filled with 9 powerful tracks that can fit fans of EXODUS, TESTAMENT, SKELETONWITCH, MOTÖRHEAD, KREATOR and JUDAS PRIEST. And it's good stuff, even though this album might not be a masterpiece. It's still worth checking out. No doubt about that.
Release date: June 2, 2017 (Boris Records)
JUNE 1, 2017
DA BOANAD: Mystericum - Album
Some kind of catchy rock/hard rock in harsh German. Or energetic heavy rock as the record label call it. Well, no matter what you call it they have a couple of good songs here, even though there could have been more variation. I find it hard to believe that I will listen to this album again though.
10 tracks in 45 minutes is what you get if you give them a try. And I don't have anything else to add.
Release date: Jun. 2, 2017 (Pure Rock Records)
JUNE 1, 2017
ADRENALINE MOB: We The People - Album
If I'm not totally wrong, I think I liked their last album. And sure, this album has it's bright moments too, but the first times I heard this album, I thought it had some less good moments that I didn't have much left for. Luckily that changed after several listenings, so now I like the album. Well, most of it at least. 13 tracks is 3 too many (as usual). But that's not such a big problem when there's at least 10 tracks that are good.
I would describe their music as some kind of hard rock. Sometimes melodic and more like rock, sometimes a little harder and more metal. So you don't have to worry about lack of variation here. I also think that this is a pretty modern product. So if it's old school heavy metal that you're looking for, then this album might not be something for you.
Release date: June 2, 2017 (Century Media)
MAY 31, 2017
CHUGGER: Grinder - Single
Some kind of groove death metal in the heavier league is what we get here. It's like a mixture of Gothenburg death metal and American southern metal. And I have been listening to this song several times now, but all I can say is that it's a o.k. song. Not bad, but hardly a smash hit either. Just good and not much else.
MAY 30, 2017
STREAMS: Streams - Digital Single
I think it reminds a little of SLIPKNOT somehow, which is a good band, even though this band seems to be even harder than them. And STREAMS doesn't have the same hit potential as SLIPKNOT, as they just seems to be as hard as possible. This is a typical song that goes in and out, and makes you wonder "What the hell did I just listen to?"
They call this epic death metal. And I can agree that it's death metal. But epic? I don't think so..
(Inverse Records)
MAY 30, 2017
Peter Graigs: The Beginning Of The End - Album
Peter Graigs is a multi-instrumentalist from Montreal, Canada. He has now moved to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. He has played with several bands through the years, like WIRED, SILLIAN, TRAX, G13 BAND and SCARS OF GRACE. Nothing I ever heard of before. His musical heroes include iconic guitarists Randy Rhoads, Eric Clapton, Al Di Meola and legendary drummer Tommy Aldridge. The music is classic hard rock and heavy metal, and I have definitely heard worse in my life. I wouldn't go as far as to call this album a masterpiece though. Because even if it's good, there's nothing that is extra good. And some songs should have been shorter, even though they're not more than approximately 5-6 minutes.
(Online Metal Promo)
MAY 30, 2017
DRAGONFORCE: Reaching Into Infinity - Album
British power metal giants DRAGONFORCE has released their seventh studio album (but it's the first album I have heard with them). It was recorded at Fascination Street Studios here in Sweden with producer Jens Bogren (OPETH, PARADISE LOST, SEPULTURA etc etc). And the best way to describe their music is to say that it's fast, melodic and technical. The guitar solos are in the same league as Yngwie Malmsteen. But there's also some symphonic spices here and there. I guess we can call it a majestic album. And it's not so bad actually.
MAY 29, 2017
LYKANTROPI: Lykantropi - Album
Most of the retro rock bands that exist today are mainly inspired by the late 60s/early 70s sound. But this band actually succeed to sound like the album actually were recorded back then. And man, do I like it or what? Yes I do!
But o.k., they might not be so unique after all. Because this reminds me of several other bands from Sweden who play the same kind of music. And yes, LYKANTROPI comes from Sweden too. But it's only the last song that is in Swedish. The rest is in good old English.
This is the debut album from this band. Their music has been described both as werewolf rock and 70s pop/folk/doom/rock, but I suggest that you just listen to this and don't think too much about any sub genres.
Out in Sweden now. World wide release date: June 23, 2017 (Lightning Records)
MAY 27, 2017
BLITZKRIEG: A Time Of Changes - Album (re-issue)
BLITZKRIEG is a British heavy metal band who released their first album, "A Time Of Changes", in 1985. It's said to be their best album, and now it will be re-released. The only song I know since earlier is "Blitzkrieg", which METALLICA did a cover of on their "Garage Inc" album. And if you like that album, or any kind of NWOBHM, then this is a band that need your attention.
The only thing I can complain about is the instrumental intro, "Ragnarock". But otherwise we get 9 really good songs. Pretty useless to pick any favorites actually.
The band is still playing live once in a while. I'm not sure how many original members that are left though.
Release date: May 26, 2017 (Dissonance)
MAY 26, 2017
CLOVEN HOOF: Cloven Hoof - Album
Here's an old band that I think I have not heard before (as far as I can remember). But they seems to be cool though.
CLOVEN HOOF is a British heavy metal band, and this is a re-issue of their first album, which was originally released in 1984. Later on they started to play power metal instead. But that's a other story.. This album consist of some really good songs. It's just as good as any other heavy metal album from that time, so there's no reason why should not check this out. Man, the classics are served on a row!
The band actually reunited in 2001. They have a new album, "Who Mourns For The Morning Star" (on High Roller), but I'm not sure if it's out yet.
Release date: May 26, 2017 (Dissonance)
MAY 26, 2017
JAGUAR: Power Games - Album (re-issue)
I have just heard the "Axe Crazy" single before, so it's good to finally hear a whole album with them, because I really like that single. And this record is proof that they have made more great songs. I would like to say that this album is so strong that it can almost compete with debut albums from IRON MAIDEN, MOTÖRHEAD and GIRLSCHOOL. But o.k., that might be a little too much. But it's a really good album anyway. And everybody who like good old NWOBHM should check this out at once. No need to say more than that..
"Power Games" is their debut album from 1983, which was released through Neat Records.
Release date unknown.. (Dissonance)
MAY 26, 2017
MARSHALL LAW: Marshall Law - Album (re-issue)
This sounds like some American hard rock/metal band from the 80s. But it's as a matter of fact a English band. This album was originally released in 1989, and it's something for those of you who like bands like DOKKEN, MÖTLEY CRÜE, PRETTY MAIDS and 80s JUDAS PRIEST.
Good stuff, but 15 tracks is way too much. That's all I have to complain about though.
(Dissonance Records)
MAY 26, 2017
RAVAGE: Return Of The Spectral Rider - Album
This band formed in the Boston area in the mid 90s already, inspired by heroes like IRON MAIDEN and JUDAS PRIEST. This album is actually a re-recording of the "Spectral Rider" album, which was given a limited release by Karthago Records in 2005. The reasons why they decided to re-record the whole album is simply production issues, and the fact that RAVAGE was never in possession of the original unmixed tracks for the record. Many of these songs are also still in their live set.
It would have been cool to hear Bruce Dickinson and Rob Halford share the vocals on these songs. Not that RAVAGE's singer Al Ravage is bad. He's doing a really good job, and this is a really good album. There's no doubt about that. So if you're a fan of 80s IRON MAIDEN and JUDAS PRIEST, then you have to check this out.
Release date: May 26, 2017 (Society For World Wide Ravage Recordings)
MAY 25, 2017
8KIDS: Denen Die Wir Waren - Album
They call this post hardcore, and all lyrics are in German. This is their debut album, but they have previously released a EP in 2016. Their music is both melodic and angry. Often at the same time. This is not something that I use to listen to, but I guess they have a couple of good songs here. So if you have more experience than me when it comes to post hardcore, then I suggest that you give this a try.
That's all I have to say..
Release date: May 26, 2017 (Napalm Records)
MAY 25, 2017
If doom metal would have existed already in the Middle Ages, then this is probably how it would have sounded. Like I have said in my reviews of their 2 previous singles, they blend metal and music from the Middle Ages, and use both modern and really old instruments. The songs are pretty long progressive and meditative pieces. And I really like what I hear here, so this is definitely a album that I think you should check out.
(Despotz Records)
MAY 24, 2017
ALESTORM: No Grave But The Sea - Album
..and on the 7 seas we found these drunk metal pirates. They were definitely having a party, and they were screaming and shouting so that the ship almost sank. But they somehow menaged to make pretty good songs anyway. It was sometimes epic, symphonic, power metal and/or folk metal that they performed. But the lyrics was all about drinking, stealing and killing. It didn't seems to be too serious. But what could you expect from some drunk pirates? Pretty funny anyway.
This is 1 of many bands that I don't think that I have heard before. This is their fifth album anyway, and it's actually not bad at all. They definitely have some really good songs here. There's no doubt about that!
Release date: May 26, 2017 (Napalm Records)
MAY 24, 2017
MÄHÄLIUM: När Verkligheten Golvar Dig - Album
This Swedish punk rock band formed in 1998 already, and they released a couple of records until 2001 when drummer Rka (SNUTJÄVEL) decided to leave the band. After that it has been silent. But now the boys are back for another attack. But with Bobban on drums instead of Rka.
The music is best described as good old Swedish punk rock with melody. Think of classic bands like ASTA KASK and STREBERS for example. If you get horny on that, then you will get horny on this band too. I promise you!
The only thing I can complain about is that instrumental playing towards the end of the last song. Useless. Over 5 minutes long for no reason. Otherwise mainly great stuff.
Release date: May 26, 2017 (Cramada)
MAY 24, 2017
EMPIRE: Trading Souls - Album (re-issue)
I think I have heard this band before. But since they don't exactly have their own unique sound, I'm not completely sure. And what does they sound like then you may ask? Well, we get some really good melodic hard rock. Simple as that! This is definitely something that you should check out if you like that. Because almost every song is strong enough to become a single.
EMPIRE is German guitarist Rolf Munkes (ex-MAJESTY, ex-RAZORBACK, CREMATORY) little band, which has released 4 albums between 2001-2007. All those albums will now be re-released, and "Trading Souls" is the second album (then I must have heard them before, because I think I reviewed their first album a while ago).
Release date: May 26, 2017 (Pride & Joy Music)
MAY 23, 2017
LICHTGESTALT: Tempus Fugit - Album
German band who play NDH/Gothic/Metal rock. Now I'm not sure what NDH is, but anyway.. The band comes from the Rhine Ruhr/Münsterland area, and formed in 2013. And it didn't take long before their first self-titled EP was released in 2014, which was followed up by their first full length, "Motorenherz", in 2015. So they have heardly been lazy.
Now their second album is here, and it sounds very German. But then all lyrics are in German, and it got a pinch of that industrial sound, even though it's far away from as hard as RAMMSTEIN. This is more like dark/gothic metal rock. Not bad.
Release date: May 26, 2017 (Pride & Joy Music)
MAY 23, 2017
Long time since I heard this band last time. It's actually 7 years since their last album came out, so I thought they had split up already. But it turns out that it was just a long break. And if you have not figured it out yet from the title, this is their sixth studio album. And what they give us is as usual some really good classic heavy metal songs. So this should not dissapoint those who have been waiting for a new record with them.
DREAM EVIL was launched by the legendary Swedish producer and guitarist Fredrik Nordström in 1999 together with lead singer Niklas Isfeldt and bassist Peter Stålfors. In the beginning Gus G. (guitar) and Snowy Shaw (drums) was also members of the band. Their first album, "Dragonslayer", was released in 2002. I didn't start to listen to them until their third album, "The Book Of Heavy Metal" (2004), which you could say was their big breakthrough. Gus and Snowy left the band after their next album, "United" (2006), to focus on other musical adventures. They were replaced by Mark U Black on guitar and Patrik Jerksten on drums, who are still in the band.
Release date: May 26, 2017 (Century Media)
MAY 22, 2017
MAMMOTH MAMMOTH: Mount The Mountain - Album
First I think of DANKO JONES, then it's suddenly more like stoner rock, and after that they sounds like NASHVILLE PUSSY. Let's just say that it's some kind of harder heavy rock that we get from this Australian band. Their record label call it dirt rock.
No matter what you want to call it, they have some good songs on this album, so it could be worth a try if it's rock that you're looking for.
(Napalm Records)
MAY 20, 2017
HATE: Tremendum - Album
Today's big question: How many bands is there called HATE? There's a lot of them anyway.. According to Archives there's at least 11 metal bands with that name. And I know at least 1 more who are not active anymore. But just because several bands have the same name doesn't mean that they play the same kind of music.
This band comes from Poland and play death metal in the same style as VADER. Which means a pretty fast and intense kind of death that is on the border to black metal. They might be a little more progressive once in a while though, but I like what I hear. This is definitely worth checking out!
(Napalm Records)
MAY 19, 2017
HIVE: Parasitic Twin - Album
A band from Minneapolis who play a mixture of 90s crust, Pacific Northwestern dark hardcore and Swedish d-beat. They formed in early 2014.
Well, I like what I hear here. At least the first tracks. It's fast, heavy and aggressive at the same time. Just as it's supposed to be. But then they slow down a little, and that's not always so funny. Some of these songs might also be a little too long. Like when they come up to over 3 minutes. When I was singing in a punk/hardcore band called ABNORM (, everything over a minute was too long, haha.
If they would have had less slow and heavy songs, and more fast and aggressive songs, then I would have liked this much more. Now it's just a o.k. album and not much else.
(Crown & Throne Ltd)
MAY 19, 2017
INDEMNITY: Bloody Minded Bullet Headed - Album
Belgian band who blend thrash metal with raw d-beat punk/hardcore. They formed in 2005, but have not released more than a demo and 1 full length before this album.
There's so much punk in this band's music that I actually think that punks and even hardcore fans are going to like this more than typical thrash fans. I like what I hear anyway. But I happens to like both metal and punk.
12 songs is what you're going to get, and the songs are between 46 seconds to 3 minutes. Perfect. A song doesn't have to be longer than that.
(Art Gates Records)
MAY 19, 2017
EXHAUSTION: Surrounded By The Depths - LP
Hardcore/punk that reminds me of what it sounded like in the 90s. And now I'm not talking about all those Dis-bands that existed back then. Sure, there's a doze of DISCHARGE in this homebrew, but I can also hear a band like The EXPLOITED in this (even though this is more aggressive). Good stuff anyway. No doubt about that.
They actually reminds me of a band from the 90s, but I'm not really sure what band it could be. EXTINCTION OF MANKIND maybe? It was many years since I heard any of the bands from that era last time, so it's hard to remember.
This band comes from France, and this is their second album.
(Distro-y Records)
MAY 18, 2017
OLD SEASON: Beyond The Black - Album
Heavy metal from Ireland, with a band that started in 2003, and released their debut album, "Archaic Creation", in 2009. Their music is best described as epic and melodic heavy metal, and they have a couple of really good songs among these 9 tracks.
I think fans of good old New Wave Of British Heavy Metal as well as those who like power metal will like this album. Probably even those who like more modern bands too.
Very strange band name by the way..
Release date: May 19, 2017 (Pure Steel Records)
MAY 17, 2017
KÖTTGROTTORNA: Robin Hood - Album
This is actually 1 of the oldest Swedish punk rock bands. They formed back in 1983 already. But original members Happy and Mongo have played together since 1978, when they formed INCEST BROTHERS. KÖTTGROTTORNA have never split up or done any farewell shows through the years, even though there have been a shorter break once in a while. And I bet that they lost some fuel when 1 of their guitarists, the legendary Guld-Lars (ex-KSMB), died in 2015. Fact is that they have not replaced him, but decided to continue as a trio with just 1 guitar instead of 2.
As usual they succeed to combine seriousness and joke in their lyrics. And the songs on this album are brilliant and full of good melodies. But a weird thing with this album is that the sound quality variate. After 3 songs I have to raise the volume. It's like the rest of the songs are some demo recordings that wasn't recorded at the same time or something like that. But it's hopefully not like that when you buy it (it will be available on vinyl and digitally). Because you will check it out. Otherwise you're probably not into this kind of melodic punk rock in Swedish at all (and then I don't get why you're still reading this, but that's your problem then).
Release date: May 19, 2017 (Beat Butchers)
MAY 17, 2017
CUSTARD: A Realm Of Tales - Album
Heavy metal in the old school from Germany. A must for fans of 80s HELLOWEEN, JUDAS PRIEST and IRON MAIDEN. But I think people who like Swedish bands like HAMMERFALL and DREAM EVIL will enjoy this too. I like it a lot anyway. But this is more or less the kind of stuff I grew up with. It's a must to at least listen to this and give it a true chance. But I'm pretty sure that you will like it a lot.
CUSTARD must have grew up with this too. Their first demo, "Signa Inferre", was released in 1992. It was followed up by a EP, "God Of Storm", in 1996. In 1999 it was time for their debut album, "Kingdoms Of Your Life". And they have released a couple of more albums once in a while since then. Their last album, "Infested By Anger", came out in 2012. But now they're back again.
Release date: May 19, 2017 (Pure Steel Records)
MAY 16, 2017
CARNAL GARDEN: Where They Are Silent - Album
This band was started by John "Weedow" Dafopoulos (PIGSKINNER, PUTER DEUS, GOSPEL OF GRIEF) around 2012. In 2015 Kostas Analytis (ABYSSUS, CRYPTIC REALMS, SOULSKINNER) joined him, and they recorded their first EP, "On The Final Day", which was released in December the same year. After that Dimitris Miglis became a member, and the trio started to work on their debut album, "Where They Are Silent", which is out now.
CARNAL GARDEN play some kind of heavier/groovy old school death metal with a punk production. Pretty o.k. sometimes, but I have heard better. And a track like "At The Forefront", where they repeat the same riffs over and over again, really sucks.
(Eclectic Productions)
MAY 16, 2017
BLISTERHEAD: Border Control - EP
New 4-track EP with Swedish punk rockers BLISTERHEAD. This band makes me think of bands like RANCID and RANDY, and what they call street punk. They mix their 70s punk rock with good old 50s rock n roll, and I really like it! But that wasn't exactly unexpected as I also liked their last album, "Tumbling Down", from 2015. These 4 tracks are over way too fast, so this makes me hungry for a new album.
Release date: May 19, 2017 (Cramada/Punkebjartes Punkeplattor/Dead Lamb Records/Dirty Old Man Records/Rock Em Dead Records/The Orchard)
MAY 16, 2017
BLACK DREAMS: My Hell - Digital Single
BLACK DREAMS was founded in the spring of 2015 and comes from Finland. Their music is described as blues-driven heavy metal with some gothic and doom metal influences. Their first single, "Soul Stealer", was released in October last year, and "My Hell" is their second single.
We get 2 tracks here, and it sounds pretty o.k. Not much else though to be honest.
(Inverse Records)
MAY 16, 2017
BLACK HAWK: The End Of The World - Album
This is definitely not the end of the world, because this is really good heavy metal with a band from Germany. It was 4 years since their last album, "A Mighty Metal Axe", was released, but now they're back again. And what a album they have made! This is definitely something for those of you who like classic heavy metal from the 80s. Try it and then you will buy it, as they wrote in the info sheet.
This is hardly a new band, as they released a EP, "First Attack", already in 1989. It wasn't until 2005 that their debut album, "Twentyfive", came out though. Well, better late than never at all.
Release date: May 19, 2017 (Pure Underground Records)
MAY 16, 2017
EXCALIBUR: Humo Negro - Album
Now that I have been listening to these 9 tracks, I can easily say that there isn't that much variation between these songs. This is the third album by this Spanish heavy/rock band, and they have been around since 1984. So I'm a little surprised that there's not more variation. You should know better after so many years.
It's said that EXCALIBUR are legends in their home country, but as they sing in Spanish, they will probably never be legendary in any other countries (unless they speak Spanish then). Now it's not like a band just must suck because they doesn't sing in English. I have actually heard good bands who sing in Spanish. But this is not 1 of the better.
Maybe I should add that the title "Humo Negro" has nothing to do with the English word negro. It means black smoke in Spanish.
(Fighter Records)
MAY 15, 2017
ERUPTION: Cloaks Of Oblivion - Album
Third album from this Slovenian band, who play a mixture of US thrash metal and heavy metal. It's similar to bands like SANCTUARY, HELSTAR and VICIOUS RUMORS, as well as Bay Area thrash like FORBIDDEN, VIO-LENCE and TESTAMENT. So if that sounds like something that you would like, then I really recomend you to check this band out. Because this album is not bad at all.
The band was formed in late 2004.
(Xtreem Music)
MAY 15, 2017
The WIZARDS: Full Moon In Scorpio - Album
Damned good 70s hard rock/occult rock performed by some Spanish guys. They formed in 2013 after several intense sessions of drug abuse and hard drinking marathons at backyard parties, where they played records from BLACK SABBATH, DANZIG, The CULT, BLUE ÖYSTER CULT, PENTAGRAM, DEEP PURPLE, DIO, HORISONT and ELECTRIC WIZARD. Their first demo, "Plagues", was recorded in January 2014. In 2015 they released their first self-titled LP, and "Full Moon In Scorpio" is their second album.
The album was recorded with producer Dean Rispler (current bassist for The DICTATORS, ex-MURPHY'S LAW). It was mixed and mastered by Jesse Cannon (The CURE, The MISFITS, DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN). Ross The Boss (ex-MANOWAR, The DICTATORS) play a guest solo on "Leaving The Past Behind". And well, let's just say that if you like the bands mentioned above, and maybe also Swedish bands like BLACK TRIP and DEAD LORD, then you just have to check this out. No fucking doubt about that! This might also be something for those of you who miss (or missed) The DEVIL'S BLOOD.
Release date: May 16, 2017 (Fighter Records)
MAY 15, 2017
INCONTINENCE: Prey For Us - Album
Another one of these heavier death metal bands. 8 tracks is what we get, and it sounds good to me. Not much to complain about. The band consist of 4 death metal veterans from New York, who have played with bands like SKINLESS, HELD UNDER, ARMOR COLUMN, DRY HEAVE and BURIAL. This is their debut album, and their music is compared with classic bands like MORBID ANGEL, SUFFOCATION, IMMOLATION, INTERNAL BLEEDING and DYING FETUS. But there's also influences from VOIVOD, DEATH, The Big 4 (SLAYER, METALLICA, ANTHRAX, MEGADETH), DAWN OF DEMISE and VENGEFUL.
Release date: May 15, 2017 (Ultimate Massacre Productions)
MAY 14, 2017
DEVILDRIVER: Trust No One - Album
This band is probably damned good at what they're doing, but it doesn't impress me, and that's a big problem of course. Same damned thing over and over again. The classic in through 1 ear and out through the other. No good. So this is definitely not a band for me.
So how about the music then you might ask? Well, I think it's what they call metalcore. Like a less aggressive version of SLIPKNOT or something. But I'm not sure, so I just call it metal then. But if this band happens to be something that you like, then I won't stop you from checking them out.
This seems to be their seventh album, and it seems like it' 3 years since their last album was released.
Release date: May 13, 2017 (Napalm Records)
MAY 13, 2017
SEVEN KINGDOMS: Decennium - Album
SEVEN KINGDOMS was formed in Deland, FL, USA in 2007. They play a more melodic kind of power metal with female vocals. 3 albums and 1 EP is what they have released before this album came out. The fun thing is that this album was first released by the band themselves via Kickstarter, but then Napalm Records found out about them and decided to re-press the band's entire catalogue. Good for them. Because this is damned good stuff! I really like what I hear on this album. Just listen to the first track, "Stargazer" (not the RAINBOW song, which is also damned good) - Fucking excellent!
(Napalm Records)
MAY 12, 2017
TIME WALK: Beyond Eternity's Grasp - EP
Another hard and heavy death metal band. But they do it good, so there's no reason to complain.
The band comes from the U.S., and are said to fit fans of OBITUARY, SIX FEET UNDER, MERAUDER, BOLT THROWER, PAGANIZER, GRAVE and UNLEASHED. Simply 90s death metal. But they also add a touch of thrash and hardcore to their brew. It's just a touch though, so don't let that scare you away.
Release date: May 12, 2017 (Static Tension Recordings)
MAY 11, 2017
MÄHÄLIUM: Olydnad Uppror Revolt - Single
Swedish melodic punk rock in the same league as the legends in ASTA KASK. I'm actually not sure if I have heard anything with them before, which can seems to be weird as they has existed since 1998. I guess I wasn't so into this stuff back then..
Well, this is the first new music since 2001, and also the first taste of their new album, "När Verkligheten Golvar Dig", which will be released later this month. And I think it sounds really good, so I have nothing to complain about.
Every fan of Swedish punk rock form the 80s and the 90s should check this out at once.
Release date: May 12, 2017 (Cramada)
MAY 10, 2017
Liv Sin: Follow Me - Album
I guess you have read the story a few times now, but for those who have missed it, let's take it again.. Liv Sin (real name Liv Jagrell) was the vocalist in the Swedish hard rock/heavy metal band SISTER SIN, who gave up in late 2015 after 13 years as a band. Now Liv felt that she was a little lost, but she soon formed her own band, Liv Sin, because metal is what she live for.
I really liked SISTER SIN. They were a damned good band! No doubt about that. This is more harder metal than what her former band did. It's more like JUDAS PRIEST and even a pinch of thrash metal here and there. And I really like these 11 tracks too. It's like a natural continuation of the past. Everything isn't great though. But it's not more than 2-3 songs that are a little less good. So I can survive that.
The album was produced by Stefan Kaufman (ACCEPT, U.D.O) and Fitty Wienhold (U.D.O). Among the guest artists are Schmier from DESTRUCTION and Jyrki 69 from The 69 EYES.
(Despotz Records)
MAY 9, 2017
KOBRA AND THE LOTUS: Prevail I - Album
When a band get famous and I haven't heard them before, then I almost always expect the worst. In a few cases I have been very interested to hear it though. This band belong to case 1. Which brings us to case 3, which is when you think they will suck, and then they're actually a good band after all. And yes, there's a case 4 too - When you think they will be good and they suck (but that case has nothing to do with this).
I would like to describe their music as very catchy and melodic modern metal/rock with female vocals. And I really like what I hear on this album!
It's been 3 years since these Canadians last studio album, "High Priestess", was released. "Prevail I" was produced by Jacob Hansen (VOLBEAT, AMARANTHE, EPICA etc). And there will be a "Prevail II" in the not too distant future. I already look forward to hear that.
Release date: May 12, 2017 (Napalm Records)
MAY 9, 2017
GRIT: Warsworn - EP
It's not so hard to figure out that this band is strongly influenced by bands like METALLICA, PANTERA and BLACK SABBATH. In other words catchy rhythms, fast thrash metal sections, and heavy breakdowns.
The band comes from Corvallis, Oregon, and formed in 2015. This debut EP consist of 3 tracks from their 2016 demo plus 3 new songs. And it doesn't sound so bad at all. So give it a try.
(Online Metal Promo)
MAY 8, 2017
DØDSRITUAL: Under Sort Sol - Album
Norwegian black metal is what we get here. But it's hardly full speed here, even though everything isn't heavy. I guess you could say that most of these songs are in mid-tempo. It's still aggressive like a angry dog though, but yet melodic somehow. Variation between the songs too, which is a big plus in my book. And there's a old-school atmosphere over these 10 tracks. The lyrics are both in English and Norwegian. It's not bad at all. Check this out instead of some noise that just will make you insane. This is more healthy.
(Black Market)
MAY 8, 2017
DARK LEGACY: The Rejects - Digital Single
This is described as "a musical adventure on the seven seas". Which means that what they play is symphonic metal, but with influences from doom and black metal. So you don't have to worry that this is full of female opera vocals. No, it's male growl or clean vocals whenever there's any vocals at all.
This song is supposed to give a taste of their next forthcoming album. And if I should judge it from listening to this song, then I would say that it will probably be just what they described it as: "a musical adventure on the seven seas".
(Black Vulture Records)
MAY 8, 2017
ASSAULT: The Fallen Reich - EP
6 death/thrash metal attacks. Each symphony of destruction last for approximately 3-4 minutes.
I don't know how big the metal scene is in Singapore, but they have a few bands anyway. And this is 1 of them.
Well, ASSAULT is just as good as any other band in this genre, so this could be worth a try, because they're not bad at all.
Release date: May 10, 2017 (Transcending Obscurity Asia)
MAY 8, 2017
LIFE OF AGONY: A Place Where There's No More Pain - Album
This band return after nearly 12 years with their fifth album. And I'm actually not really sure what I should think about this. There's both good and bad songs here, but the good songs are way too few according to me.
This band came from the Brooklyn hardcore scene, and released their first album, "River Runs Red", in 1993. But as far as I know, I have never heard them before. I can easily say that this is not a hardcore album though. It's more like some kind of groove hard rock/metal. Or a blend of hardcore, metal and alternative rock as their record label describe them.
(Napalm Records)
MAY 7, 2017
JERRYS FARSA: Knallpulverpunk! - Album
You could call this some kind of Swedish trallpunk, but I tried to come up with several bands that they reminds me of, and I didn't exactly get any wiser because of that, as they suddenly sounds like something else instead. So I think catchy and melodic Swedish punk rock is a better description. They doesn't sound just like 1 band, but several bands. That's what I want to say. I think people who like bands like DE LYCKLIGA KOMPISARNA, RÄSERBAJS, KÖTTGROTTORNA, SISTA SKRIKET, KÖRSBÄRSFETTERA, VÄNSTERNÄVEN etc. etc. will probably like this too. In other words very Swedish. But they have found their own style somehow, even though it sounds very familiar. Funny..
This is the first album from this band, but hopefully not the last.
(Buzzbox Records)
MAY 7, 2017
GRIMNER: Freja Vakar - Digital Single
Swedish Viking/folk metal band who formed in 2008. They plan to release a new album early next year. And I guess it's not so hard to figure out that this could be something for those of you who like Finnish bands like FINNTROLL and KORPIKLAANI for example. They got that same party feeling as them. It's a really good song, but I don't really know what else to say..
(Despotz Records)
MAY 7, 2017
APOCALYPSE ORCHESTRA: Flagellant's Song - Single
With 1 foot in the middle ages and the other in doom metal this Swedish band create some kind of progressive brew of old and modern music. Hurdy gurdy, bagpipe and other old instruments are used, as well as the usual rock instruments like guitar, bass and drums. It's dark and heavy riffs, but not hopeless.
This is their second single, which is as long as 8,24 minutes. Their upcoming album, "The End Is Nigh", will be released on May 12. That can be interesting, because this is good stuff you know.
(Despotz Records)
MAY 7, 2017
KILLING AGE: Devil's Child - Album
I don't know how many times I have been listening to this album, but now it's enough. There might not be the biggest variation, but I can't say that it's bad. I think this sounds like alternative rock/hard rock. But they call it groove metal/sludge. Pretty good stuff anyway, that reminds me a little of the 90s actually. But 13 tracks is always 3 too many.
KILLING AGE comes from Germany, and formed in 2008. This is their second album.
(Gegentrend Records)
MAY 6, 2017
RESURRECT THE MACHINE: Uncover The Truth - Album
Sometimes it's heavy metal and sometimes hard rock. Some songs could just as well be called just rock. And the information about this band doesn't make me more intelligent. It actually just confuse me even more. But the music they give us on this album is really good, and that's more important than what you want to call it. So don't be afraid. Let's give it a try (or 4).
Best songs: "Kaos" and "Meet Your Maker".
(Minotauro Records)
MAY 6, 2017
The GUILT: The Guilt - Album
This is the debut album with this duo, who comes from Malmö in southern Sweden. Their music sounds like some kind of mixture of 60s garage rock, 70s punk rock and 80s post rock (or disco punk). And it's not bad at all. Very intense and aggressive sometimes, but with the dancing shoes on (if that gives you a better idea of what this is). I think it will fit many different kinds of rock and punk fans. So come on and let's give it a try!
Release date: May 5, 2017 (Heptown Records)
MAY 5, 2017
The LEATHER NUN: Vive La Fete! Vive La Révolution - Album
In August 1988 The Tallinn Song Festival Ground hosts the first ever international rock festival in then Soviet Union (USSR). The LEATHER NUN, PUBLIC IMAGE Ltd and BIG COUNTRY headlines the 3-day festival, "Glasnost Rock '88", with more than 100,000 people attending. And The LEATHER NUN concert is now being released on record for the first time.
O.k., I have never been a big fan of this Swedish rock band. Their first single was a raw garage punk rocker with their 2 best songs, but after that it has been very thin between the good songs. And just as I expected, this live album doesn't change my opinion. What a sleeping pill! The only songs that I really like are "No Rule" and "I Can Smell Your Thoughts". And there's like 2 or 3 more songs that are o.k. at least. The rest goes in through 1 ear and out through the other (just like when I saw a reunited version of the band live once upon a time). It's like: "Wake me up when it's over!" But if you happens to be an old fan of The LEATHER NUN, then you will probably like this recording too.
Release date: May 5, 2017 (Wild Kingdom)
MAY 5, 2017
A HERO FOR THE WORLD: West To East Pt. I, Frontier Vigilante - Album
This is like listening to a power metal band playing their own Christmas songs. But the thing is that this is not any Christmas songs. You could definitely call it power metal though. Because there's lots of high notes and majestic metal songs. Everything isn't something that I like (or even understand), and 15 tracks is definitely 5 too many in this case. It's not bad though.
The album is available in 3 different editions: Deluxe Original Edition with all 15 tracks plus instrumental versions of all songs and some bonus tracks. Power Edition with all the songs remixed with extra double bass, and no keyboards or long intros. Epic Acoustic Edition, which includes acoustic versions with a symphonic orchestra of all songs.
A HERO FOR THE WORLD is a international duo from Sweden and the Philippines. But the Swedish guy, Jacob Kaasgaard, take care of most of the instruments and vocals. Louie Ryan is just doing some female vocals here and there.
(Jacob K Music)
MAY 4, 2017
EVIL CINDERELLA: Dangerous Inside - EP
They call this stadium rock and classic old school heavy rock. It's rock anyway, no doubt about that. But it's not heavy, it's more catchy instead. There's also a touch of the 80s in their melodic hard rock.
The band comes from Germany, and have been around for 7 years. What we have here is 5 good songs. No more no less. It might be something for fans of bands like FOO FIGHTERS. But what do I know?
(MAM Records)
MAY 4, 2017
SPEAR OF DESTINY: Religion - Album
It's not that much action here, but there's some good songs anyway. And they actually reminds me a little of The CULT somehow, but more post punk. To make it easier I guess that we just can call them a rock band though.
I have never heard about this band before as far as I can remember. But the information about this album tells me that this is their seventh album, which was originally released in 1997. That's all I know though..
Well, this can be worth checking out anyway.
(Westworld Recordings)
MAY 3, 2017
Steve Grimmett: Personal Crisis - Album
Steve Grimmett is most well-known for being the frontman of GRIM REAPER. But he has also fronted the more melodic rock act LIONSHEART, as well as the thrash legends ONSLAUGHT. You could say that this album is a mixture of GRIM REAPER and LIONSHEART. This solo album was originally released in 2007. There's both heavy metal and melodic rock. And most of these songs are good, so I have nothing to complain about.
(Dissonance Records)
MAY 3, 2017
SICKROOM: The Dualism - EP
Spanish death metal band who formed in 2004. They have previously released a demo, "Screaming At Life", in 2008, and their first album, "That Killing Silence", in 2010. Their music is said to fit fans of ALL SHALL PERISH, The BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, AT THE GATES, WHITECHAPEL etc.
6 songs is what we get here, and that's enough for me. Not that they're bad, but I have heard more interesting death bands. They're actually as best when they sounds like AT THE GATES. So yes, there's a touch of melodic death metal in this Spanish brew.
(Blood Fire Death)
APR. 29, 2017
ZOMBIE LAKE: The Dawn Of Horror - Album
ZOMBIE LAKE started in 2003, when Derek Schilling (ex-NEGLECT) from New York and Martin Missy (PROTECTOR) from Stockholm, Sweden became friends. The idea was to create a raw and unpolished thrash metal band with apocalyptic lyrics. In 2005 they recorded their first demo, "Metal For The Masses". And after that they finally found some more people, and the band was complete. They spent a lot of time in the studio to record their debut album, "Plague Of The Undead". But due to many delays it wasn't released until 2013.
About 3 and a half years later their second album, "The Dawn Of Horror", is finally here. 9 songs of horror thrash metal. Sometimes with a pinch of death metal. And it's definitely not bad. This is worth checking out. No doubt about that.
Release date: May 5, 2017 (Iron Shield Records)
APR. 29, 2017
WARCRAB: Scars Of Aeons - Album
We get 5 tracks of what they call death metal/sludge juggernaut. The first track is 8 and a half minutes long, and the last is 10 minutes. The songs between those 2 are approximately 5-6 minutes. And yes, it's pretty hard and heavy stuff, but not bad. The band comes from UK, and are said to fit fans of BOLT THROWER, The WHOREHOUSE MASSACRE, The DEAD, CROWBAR, SOILENT GREEN, SKINLESS and FISTULA.
Release date: May 1, 2017 (Transcending Obscurity Records)
APR. 29, 2017
BACKWOOD SPIRIT: Backwood Spirit - Album
Blues-based 70s hard rock with Swedish vocalist Göran Edman (Yngwie Malmsteen, John Norum etc. etc.). The band was founded in Örebro, Sweden in 2014 by guitarist/song writer Kent Engström. Who after a while teamed up with Joje Lindskoog (CROSSROAD JAM, WAVING CORN) to put a band together. In late 2015 they found Göran, and the rest of the members are Niclas Boson on bass and Peter Emilson on keyboard (Tobias Åslund play organ and keyboard on the album though, if I got it right).
This is absolutely something for fans of bluesy hard rock and classic rock from the 70s. I like what I hear anyway.
Release date: Apr. 28, 2017 (Pride & Joy Music)
APR. 28, 2017
DAYS OF JUPITER: New Awakening - Album
Seems to be a lot of melodic bands for review nowadays. DAYS OF JUPITER is a Swedish band who play melodic and heavy hard rock/metal. They try to combine American modern metal with classic European hard rock. It sounds o.k., but it's not excellent. I think those who like modern metal will like this more than those who like hard rock. But that's just my guess..
The band formed in 2010, and released their debut album in 2012. "New Awakening" is their third album.
Release date: Apr. 28, 2017 (Metalville)
APR. 28, 2017
KINGS OF BROADWAY: Kings Of Broadway - Album
Originally formed in 2011 by Italian guitarist Aldo Lonobile (SECRET SPHERE, CIVILIZATION ONE, SHADOWSPELL). The band also features Tiziano Spigno (vocals, LUCKY BASTARDZ), Ricky Messeri (guitar), JJ Andreone (bass, ODD DIMENSION, A PERFECT DAY) and Luca Cartasegna (drums, ex-SECRET SPHERE). The songs for this debut album were composed from 2012 to 2015, but it's not until now that the album is ready to be released.
Musically it's modern melodic hard rock that is said to fit fans of SHINEDOWN, NICKELBACK, ALTER BRIDGE, BLACK STONE CHERRY etc. Not the kind of bands I use to listen to, but Italy have many good bands when it comes to melodic hard rock and metal, so I guess it's not such a big surprise that this band is really good too.
Well, I think you know what to do next..
Release date: Apr. 28, 2017 (Pride & Joy Music)
APR. 27, 2017
FIRESPAWN: The Reprobate - Album
This is the second album with this Swedish death metal supergroup, with members from ENTOMBED A.D., NECROPHOBIC, UNLEASHED and USURPRESS. They formed in 2012 as FIREBORN, but changed the name to FIRESPAWN after a while and signed a record deal with Century Media Records in 2015. ..but I guess you already knew that?
Their first album, "Shadow Realms" was damned good, and this album is no exception. It's just as good as the debut was. So there's no reason to not check this out. That's all I have to say..
Release date: Apr. 28, 2017 (Century Media)
APR. 26, 2017
ASTRAL DOORS: Black Eyed Children - Album
As the vocalist sounds a lot like Ronnie James Dio (R.I.P), the music sounds a lot like DIO, as well as early RAINBOW and the Dio-era BLACK SABBATH. But with 2 guitarists instead of just 1. In other words something for those who like classic hard rock/heavy metal. And there's lots of good songs here, so I can't see why you should not check this out.
The title "Black Eyed Children" is said to be based on a modern day ghost story. But I'm not really sure what they mean by that. Is it just the title or the title track or maybe the whole album that is based on a ghost story? Anyway, the music is a bit heavier, and the lyrics a bit darker. But the songs are just as strong as they use to be.
A modern masterpiece? Who knows?
Release date: Apr. 28, 2017 (Metalville)
APR. 25, 2017
This is said to be one of the oldest heavy metal bands from India. They formed in 1992 as AVALANCHE, but changed the name to LUCIDREAMS in 1994. There have been many lineup changes through the years, but they're still here. And what they give us on this recording is 5 tracks with influences from BLACK SABBATH, Ozzy Osbourne, MEGADETH, JUDAS PRIEST and even HELMET. Pretty good stuff actually, so be nice and give them a try.
(Transcending Obscurity India)
APR. 25, 2017
MARTYRDOOM: Grievous Psychosis - Album
Well, this will scare the sun away. And probably small children as well. Dark death/doom metal from a Polish band. It's a mixture of heavy and fast parts, and the singer sounds like he has just been released from the mad house, so you won't fall asleep when you listen to this.
But even though I describe them as a dangerous band, I actually think I like their music. It's not like I have found a new favorite band, but it's o.k. anyway. And sometimes that's enough.
(Memento Mori)
APR. 24, 2017
OF FIRE: Death Do Us All - Album
Brothers of ENTOMBED unite! Here comes their unkown younger cousins for a little death ride.
Fact is that OF FIRE was discovered by the legendary producer Tomas Skogsberg (Sunlight). He believed in the band and took them under his wings in the fall of 2012, and recorded their debut album "Carnage Fever". Now their second album is here, and once again it has been recorded in the Sunlight studio.
I guess it's not so hard to figure out that this is a Swedish band. And their music is in the heavier league. It has been described as death n roll with a raw attitude. It sounds a lot like ENTOMBED. But OF FIRE have done a couple of things here that I don't think ENTOMBED ever have done - A song in Swedish ("Ett Helvete") and a song that is almost 12 minutes long ("World Decomposing"). Death metal in Swedish is always cool, but songs that last for an eternity is hardly ever cool. This band succeed to keep the long song alive though, so I have definitely heard worse.
APR. 23, 2017
NIGHTRAGE: The Venomous - Album
Finally the new album is here. And what a damned good album it is! Not a single bad song on the whole thing. And that makes me think that NIGHTRAGE might be 1 of the best melodic death metal bands there is (together with some others). If you like Swedish bands like AT THE GATES, DARK TRANQUILLITY and ARCH ENEMY, then this is definitely something for you. It's a perfect mixture of aggressive vocals and melodic melodies, but it's still hard and raw. And the lyrics deal with the failure of mankind, and how we as human beings are racing towards our own extinction. No happy shit.
(Despotz Records)
APR. 23, 2017
DEEP PURPLE: inFinite - Album
Many of these songs reminds me of classic albums like "Perfect Strangers" and "House Of The Blue Light", but updated somehow even though it doesn't exactly sounds new. But if you like that era of the band, then I can really recomend you to give this a chance. Because this is a really good album that they have made. And I'm actually impressed. Because how many other bands that have been around for as long as DEEP PURPLE are still making interesting studio albums after all these years?
The album was produced by the legendary Bob Ezrin (Alice Cooper, PINK FLOYD, Lou Reed).
APR. 23, 2017
AGRESIVA: Decibel Ritual - Album
Classic thrash/heavy metal with melodic vocals. A little like early ANTHRAX actually.
The band formed in 2008, and comes from Madrid, Spain.
Well, this is another one of these albums that I have been listening to several times, but just can't come up with that much to say about. It's really good stuff anyway, so they're definitely worth checking out as Mr. Runkballe would have said (who the hell is Runkballe? Not me anyway).
(Minotauro Records)
APR. 23, 2017
Brown Acid: The Fourth Trip - Compilation Album
Oh yeah! The fourth volume is finally here. More garage rock, psychedelic rock and proto-heavy metal with totally unknown, obscure bands from the 60s and 70s. These bands probably didn't make more than 1 single, and most of these records were barely released and never properly distributed. There's even 2 songs here that was never released back then.
Man, I really like these collections. And finally can some bands who are totally forgotten get another chance to prove how good they really was. There's as usual not a single bad song.
Best song: "Lucifer" by AXAS.
(RidingEasy Records)
APR. 21, 2017
PETER HOOK & The LIGHT: Unknown Pleasures, Live In Leeds / Power, Corruption And Lies, Live In Dublin / Movement, Live In Dublin / Closer, Live In Manchester - Albums
The name Peter Hook might not be the most familiar name to some of you. He was the bassist in JOY DIVISION and NEW ORDER. And that might be something that you have heard of before. In 2010 he formed PETER HOOK & The LIGHT with his son Jack Bates (bass), David Potts (guitar), Andy Poole (keyboards) and Paul Kehoe (drums). Peter himself took care of the vocals.
To release as much as 4 live albums at the same time might seems to be a weird idea. But what they do here is that they play an entire album plus some live favorites on each album. And the recordings was made in UK between 2011-13.
It's a wild mixture of post punk, rock, melancholy pop and more electronic songs. I can easily say that there's both good and bad stuff on these records. So which of this albums you should get (if you happens to be a fan) is up to you. But I guess this is just for the most extreme hardcore fans. Who else will buy all these records? But they need something too, don't they?
My favorite was the Leeds concert. More variation and more good songs there.
Release dates: LP (vinyl) on Apr. 22, CD and digital on May 5, 2017 (Westworld Recordings)
APR. 20, 2017
REIGNSAW: Reignsaw - Album
It's not really bad, but not so good either. They fight hard to show us what a cool metal band they are. But fact is that there's no feeling in this. Same thing over and over again. In through 1 ear and out through the other. And that's obviously not so funny. I don't even know how to describe their metal. Is it supposed to be groove metal, metal core, thrash metal or maybe something else? It's hard and heavy anyway. That's all I can say.
The band features members from bands like SLAPDASH, CARNAL FORGE, NIGHTRAGE, SOILWORK and CHIMAIRA if that will help.
Release date: Apr. 21, 2017 (GMR Music)
APR. 20, 2017
CRAVING ANGEL: Redemption - Album
CRAVING ANGEL formed back in 1984 already. Their goal was to entertain the audience with some covers, as well as some of their own original compositions. And these 17 (!) tracks sounds just like it would have been some old demo recordings. But it seems like it's new recordings. The music is probably best described as American 80s hard rock, and they have a couple of good songs here. But I can't help getting a feeling that this could be 1 of the bands in "The Decline Of Western Civilization: Part II (The Metal Years)", where every band member they talk to want to (and actually think they would be) a rock star. Sure, some of them was good, but they're totally forgotten today. This band might not reach out to any bigger audience either, but they're definitely good enough to get your attention. So check them out before you forget.
Release date: Apr. 21, 2017 (Minotauro Records)
APR. 19, 2017
AVULSED: Night Of The Living Deathgenerations - 2-CD/DVD
This was recorded at their 25th anniversary show in Madrid, Spain on November 19 last year. This CD and DVD contains the whole 2-hour show, which means the whole "Deathgeneration" collection plus 1 more song. This package is available in a limited edition of 1000 copies. In other words something for collectors.
I say the same thing about this recording as I said about the "Deathgeneration" album last year: "They have made some good songs through the years, there's no doubt about that. Everything might not be great, but I have definitely heard worse than this. So this can absolutely be worth to get." There's a little too much talking between the songs though. And that's extra boring as I don't know Spanish.
Release date: Apr. 17, 2017 (Xtreem Music)
APR. 18, 2017